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7 Questions to Help You Define Your Transformation Goals

Just because transformation is an ongoing process doesn’t mean that clear benchmarks aren’t important. Getting specific about what you want – and your plan to achieve it – helps course-correct if you get off track, and lets you know how far you’ve already come. This is especially helpful if you feel like you’re making slow progress.

Here are seven important questions to help you define your transformation goals, so you can move from a state of “wanting to” to “on your way”.

Question 1: Why am I doing this?

This question will likely have many answers. While some will take the form of outward transformation (ex. “to lose weight” or “to sleep better”), keep digging to discover the emotional feeling-state at the bottom of your answers (ex. “to feel more confident”, “to approach life with a more optimistic attitude”). Determining why you’re taking on your transformation puts a clearly-articulated payoff within sight.

10 tips to evaluate your wellness goals.

Question 2: What is my timeline?

Create short-term and long-term timelines. This will establish an immediate timeframe and an overall future state to strive toward. Starting a program at a weight loss resort can be hugely beneficial for short-term success because it creates a very clear timeline for short-term success. You can use that framework as the foundation for a long-term plan of action as you continue to build on the lifestyle changes you learn at the retreat.

Question 3: Where do I want to end up?

The answer to this question should be as specific as possible. Clearly articulate your goal, whether it is to slim down to a certain clothing size, be able to lift a particular weight set or achieve a certain number of reps, qualify for a marathon, or reach a certain cycling distance. Once you have your goal and your timeline(s), determine if your objectives are realistic. If your timeline and goal require you to work out 7 days a week or never eat another dessert, consider revising your outcomes or schedule.

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Question 4: What are your biggest obstacles?

Write down what you expect to be your biggest mental, physical and emotional obstacles. Be honest with yourself. During retreats at our weight loss resort, we emphasize the importance of being fully truthful – with yourself and others. The privacy of your journal is a good place to start. The act of writing down your “flaws” helps you evaluate them from an objective perspective, which is the first step in diluting their power to hold you back. As you proceed on your journey, note any day-to-day obstacles that pop up, while keeping in mind that unexpected procrastinations and setbacks might suddenly emerge from out of nowhere. Don’t let these hiccups derail your progress. Simply become more aware of them so you can spend more effort to counteract your self-imposed blocks

Question(s) 5: Who is my biggest supporter? Who might get in the way?

Take stock of the people in your life who are likely to cheer you on, celebrate your successes and help you stay motivated. On the flip side, make note of the people whose negative attitudes minimize your goals and progress. You don’t need to share the details of your journey with everyone in your life. Focus on the people who make you feel better.

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Question 6: What do I want my days to look like?

With this question, it pays to get specific. It’s not enough to say, “I want to exercise more.” Determine exactly when you plan to work exercise into your schedule. Figure out what tradeoffs you’ll have to make in order to create space for change. Setting these parameters helps you stick to making choices that support your success, especially during periods when your enthusiasm wanes.

Question 7: What will happen if I don’t accomplish my goals?

Take a far-field view at what will be the ultimate outcome if you don’t reach your goals. Though it might feel difficult or uncomfortable, be honest about the worst-case scenario. If the result could be a major health issue or the inability to participate in activities or a lifestyle you love, it’s smart to pay attention. Having a clear sense of what’s on the line will help you stay motivated to keep moving forward, no matter what setbacks pop up along the way.

Change doesn’t happen on its own – it happens when you take action. By answering the above questions clearly and honestly, you take an important first step toward bringing your goals into reality.

For information about how VeraVia’s weight loss resort can help you define and achieve a healthier lifestyle, contact our team of wellness experts today.

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True wellness requires taking a holistic look at your overall health and paying attention to the vital role that nutrition plays. This guide is packed with expert tips on:

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Arlene Sandoval

Assistant Guest Experience Coordinator

Arlene Sandoval is a San Diego native with over fifteen years of professional
experience working alongside C-level executives in major corporations in the San Diego
area. Arlene was mentored and trained by top-level executives at two major Fortune
500 companies. She was offered an executive-level position when she was twenty-five,
making her the youngest person offered the International Executive Communications
Position. By twenty-eight, Arlene felt pulled toward the non-profit sector and became
Chief Operation Officer of an International non-profit with a focus on social justice
reform and media; helping to build communities of hope in war-torn countries. Arlene
helped restructure, create, and manage a multi-million dollar budget. She created new
policies and procedures to help the corporation comply with California 501(c)3 non-profit
laws and regulations. During this time she gained invaluable knowledge in the private
and public sectors.