Getting ready for your trip to a wellness spa? Be sure to bring what you need to have a safe, comfortable time.
For a relaxing and refreshing stay, here are the “must-haves” for your packing list:
Comfortable clothes
Not every moment of a retreat will be dedicated to exercise – there will be plenty of time to relax and socialize. Bring unrestrictive clothing that you feel comfortable in, so you can focus on your wellbeing, not how you look.
Good shoes
It’s tempting to buy a pair of brand new workout shoes before your trip but be sure to break them in first. Your shoes should provide protection and support during workouts, hikes and daily wear, without distracting your focus.
Clothing that matches the weather
Check both day and night weather at your wellness spa location. Bring versatile separates that you can layer up or down, depending on the time of day.
Even if you’re not the type who normally wears a watch, be sure to bring one along. With your phone back in your room, you’ll need a trusty timepiece to let you know how much time is left in your workout and when to start getting ready for your next activity.
Don’t forget your meds! Being away from home might make it difficult to get replacements and the medical staff at your retreat will want a complete rundown of all your current prescriptions.
Bathing suit
Whether or not your wellness retreat is near the beach, it’s smart to bring a bathing suit for swimming, sauna time or other water workouts.
A small backpack
You aren’t going to want to haul a purse around at your retreat, so bring a light backpack for your room key, extra sunscreen, sunglasses and water bottle. If you want to travel even lighter, wear a waist pack.
The staff at your retreat will likely have sunscreen available for your use, but if you have a favorite brand or sensitive skin, it’s best to bring your own.
Reusable water bottle
Hydration is your best friend during any wellness spa stay. Bring your water bottle and refill it often.
Sports undergarments
You’ll work up a sweat during your stay, so be sure to bring moisture-wicking underwear and at least two sports bras (for women), so you can use one set while the others are being laundered.
A journal
In addition to written exercises that are part of your retreat curriculum, use your journal to write down any emotions that come up during your stay, track your progress, and take notes on what you learn.
Friends & family mementos
If you’re headed to the wellness retreat solo, bring along photos and notes of encouragement from your loved ones. These mementos can remind you that you’re supported and give you a boost if you start to feel homesick.
Check out our FAQ when planning for your wellness retreat.
What Not to Bring
Overpacking for a wellness retreat happens, so it’s wise to curate your essentials carefully. Here are three things to cross off your packing list:
“Cheat” foods
If you’re trying to cheat, what’s the point of attending a wellness spa?
Workout equipment
Save yourself the luggage space. Your spa administrators will have everything you need onsite.
Unless you have a specific therapeutic need for a particular type of bedding or sleep support, no need to bring along pillows, towels or blankets. The spa will be fully stocked and extras will be available on demand.
10 Tips to evaluate your wellness and set new goals.
Check the website of your wellness spa before your retreat. Most have lists that are tailored to their particular programs. As always, if you have any questions about what to include and what to leave behind, contact spa staff ahead of time and they’ll be glad to elaborate.